Student 社会工作 Association (SSWA)

The Student 社会工作 Association provides a mechanism for social interaction and mutual support with other social work students.

SSWA is also the means through which students can formally participate in the 部门 of 社会工作's policy making. It may serve as a vehicle for organizing students to take group action in issues of concern to them.

SSWA provides an opportunity to develop group projects. 学生 have organized fund-raising activities for social service agencies as well as for the Student 社会工作 Association.

These activities have included food drives, candy sales, bake sales, and car washes

学生 can contact an officer of the SSWA by emailing them. The student will need to fill out a membership form and arrange payment of the annual dues of $5.00 to secure placement on the SSWA's mailing list.

SSWA holds regular meetings throughout the academic school year.

Constitution and bylaws