Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Grant

Who is Eligible to 应用 for Grants?

Regular and temporary faculty are eligible to apply. Temporary faculty must hold a faculty appointment during the entire grant project period.



  • Design and implement an experiential learning course or professional experience, with preference to those initiatives that will become self-sustaining beyond the initial funding period;
  • Develop experiential learning and community engagement as a regular part of academic content and expectations for students across departmental curricula;
  • Develop and implement plans in support of departmental coherence for engagement in scholarly and public service activities;
  • Extend or enhance an experiential learning course or professional experience.

Awards ranging from $200 to $3,000 are available to assist individual faculty and staff in development of single or multiple course proposals or experiences. Applicants may participate in as many proposed projects as desired but may serve as principle investigator (PI) on only one proposal per funding period. If there are multiple submissions from one department, the department chair may be asked to prioritize them. Grant proposals should specifically address one or more of the following aspects of 澳门合法赌场官网’s engagement mission and commitment to experiential learning:

  • 的服务培训;
  • Applied research that addresses public needs;
  • Community-based research that addresses issues defined in collaboration with community partners;
  • Curricular and co-curricular change to embed active learning strategies such as problem-based learning;
  • 本科 and graduate student involvement in scholarship;
  • The scholarship of engagement.


  • Support student involvement in meaningful research and/or creative activities with a faculty member.
  • Support department members for professional development and acquisition of teaching materials related to experiential learning and/or community engagement;
  • Prepare curricular materials; Provide training and technical assistance, including disciplinary-focused speakers and workshops on experiential learning and community engagement.

NOTE: Travel to professional meetings will not be funded through these grant programs.

The Center for Community Engagement is particularly interested in funding projects that provide student support to participate in learning experiences and community engagement.


The maximum funding available per project is $3000, summer stipends cannot exceed $2000. The applicant(s) must demonstrate that all salary and wages requested are necessary and directly related to project activities. Applicants must include deductions for FICA (7.65%) for all faculty, staff and student hires in their budget totals.

Money awarded may not be spent on items/services prohibited by state law (e.g., gifts for project participants, etc.).

All ISU supported projects are administered in accordance with established University fiscal procedures and research policies. These include all travel regulations, policies relating to the protection of human subjects, and policies related to intellectual property rights. Equipment and computer software purchased through faculty development money become the property of the University, earmarked for the individual's use while at the institution during the time the project continues.


Please contact 杰西卡 Starr at 杰西卡.Starr@ljzd.net.


A final report describing the project outcomes and detailing the number of students involved and their level of participation/benefit must be submitted to the Center for Community Engagement at the conclusion of the project. All publications and presentations based upon the funded project must acknowledge the assistance of the 澳门合法赌场官网 Center for Community Engagement.



Center for Community Engagement

Tirey Hall 134


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