SMIFC 2022 Conference 海报会议


The 9th Annual Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC) Conference took place in Chicago 在帕尔默大厦 Hotel on Thursday/Friday, 10月6/7, 2022

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项目: SMIF海报 | 企业绩效分析

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It was a close-run competition but congratulations to the winners of the poster competition.

1st: Lipscomb University - Kyle Joaquin, & 肯德尔Matas. 顾问:博士. Han-Sheng陈

2nd: Kennesaw State University - Cain Beatty, Mambaye Diagne, Amitai Ilan, & Eric McCart. 顾问:博士. Govind Hariharan  

3rd: George Mason University - Kanwal Ahmad, Jaehee Lee, Julianna Silinsky. 顾问:博士. 德里克Horstmeyer  

SMIFC2022 poster competition winners

The Lipscomb University team who won the poster competition

SMIFC2022 poster competition runners-up

2nd place went to Kennesaw State University and 3rd was George Mason University
Kennesaw State University also came second in the 企业绩效分析 competition


澳门合法赌场官网, 斯科特商学院

The 2022 SMIFC poster session will be held on Thursday, 10月6日, 2022, 在帕尔默大厦, 下午3点到4点.m. The poster session provides the SMIFC teams a way to display information about their SMIF including performance during 2022. As an incentive to participate in the poster session competition, 斯科特商学院 at 澳门合法赌场官网 will recognize and present awards for the three teams that demonstrate Posters of Excellence for outstanding performance and outstanding visual presentation. Presenters will participate in engaging their colleagues at other SMIFC schools. All presenters are responsible for bringing or delivering the posters to the conference and removing it after the conference. Posters presenters are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the poster session. We encourage all SMIFC teams to participate in the poster session.


Each SMIFC team who plans to participate in the poster session competition should send an email to Michelle Swick at 米歇尔 by 5:00 pm eastern time on September 25, 2022. Each team is also required to report their fund time weighted rate of return (TWRR) on a spread sheet and send it to us along with a letter or statement from the brokerage house that host their SMIF for the period from January 1, 2021, 至十二月三十一日, 2021. If the school hosts more than one fund and are managed by different teams up to three teams (1-3 students) can participate in the competition.

The teams are expected to use 48 inches by 36 inches tri-fold boards to display their posters.


SMIF performance measured by Sharpe ratio (40%)

To determine the performance score for each team, the teams will be ranked by their risk adjusted rate of return. The team that has the highest adjusted rate of return would receive a score of 40. The score for each team would be reduced by the difference in return between its adjusted rate of return and the first team adjusted rate of return. 例如, if the first team has an adjusted return of 30% and second team has an adjusted return of 27% then the second team receives a score of 37. The score on the visual presentation and presentations to visitors will be determined at the conference by the two 法官 who will stop by the table of each participating team and ask questions about the teamwork.


We will use the Sharpe ratio to measure SMIF team’s performance over the period January 1, 2021年至12月31日, 2021. The return used in the ratio is the time weighted return.

While we would like SMIF teams to be innovative in what to include on and how to set up their posters, we expect the posters to highlight among other things, SMIF性能, 历史, 投资政策, Investment strategies and student role in decision making process.

Poster session prizes (courtesy of 斯科特商学院 at 澳门合法赌场官网)



If more information is required about this competition please contact Dr. Tarek Zaher

SMIFC回家 | 家庭会议 | 议程 | 演讲者 | 赞助商 | 法官 & 学生领袖 | 程序(PDF) | 相片画廊 | 快速链接
项目: SMIF海报 | 企业绩效分析

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