



(Videos without links have been removed from the university YouTube account)

斯科特商学院 学生 at the 2022 保险 Public Policy Summit

Our students had a panel discussion panel of their own at the 2022 保险 Public Policy Summit which featured Sam Bowen, 路加福音Summerlot, 茱莉亚援引, Hailey Tonsor, Audra Doedtman, 吉利安特纳, 和格蕾丝·朗伊尔.
介绍:丽贝卡·雷, 导演, Gongaware中心, 网络金融研究所, 斯科特商学院, 澳门合法赌场官网.
Moderator: Terry Daugherty, Dean, 斯科特商学院, 澳门合法赌场官网. (2022, 31:35)
NPDP校友Kyle Varble Alumnus Kyle Varble talks about what the Networks Professional Development Program meant to him and how it helped him start on his career at Rolls Royce. (2021, 2:47)


网络奖学金能为你做些什么? Follow some of our students through their 4 years of experience. (2021, 2:51)


网络企业导师提供建议, support and guidance to help our scholars succeed in their chosen careers. 这是对他们所有人的感谢. (2021, 4:53)


学生 and educators describe what the Networks Professional Development Program at the 斯科特商学院, 澳门合法赌场官网对他们来说意味着什么. (2020, 1:04)
年终回顾  网络教育领袖寄语(2020,18:54)


2018年NFI / NPDP推广 我们的学者讨论NFI和NPDP对他们意味着什么. (2018, 3:09)
2017年道德宣传片 A short video inviting people to the 伦理会议  (2017, 1:10)
2016年道德宣传片 "It's Your Choice" is a promotional video made for the 2014 9th Annual Annual Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Conference held at 澳门合法赌场官网 on March 2, 2016. (2016, 1:12)
2014年NFI NPDP影响 The 2014 video showing the impact the Networks Professional Development Program has on our scholar's lives. 我们的学者说出了这个项目对他们的意义. (2014, 2:18)
2014年道德宣传片 "The Ripple Effect" is a promotional video made for the 2014 9th Annual Annual Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Conference held at 澳门合法赌场官网 on March 26, 2014. (2014, 1:45)
乔纳森·格鲁伯2013年ACA演讲 This is Jonathan Gruber's speech made at the 网络金融研究所's forum "The Big Bang for the Affordable Care Act: The End of Health Care Financing as We Know It?" held at The Columbia Club, Indianapolis on October 18, 2013. (音频,2013,34:03)
杰克·塔托姆2013年ACA采访 杰克Tatom, Networks' research consultant was interviewed by Terri Stacy of Indianapolis radio station WIBC (FM 93.1)关于2013平价医疗法案论坛. (音频,2013,9:21)
2012 NFI NPDP影响视频 A 2012 video showing the impact the Networks Professional Development Program has on our scholar's lives. (2012, 1:52)
2012年道德宣传片 "It's a Fine Line" is a promotional video made for the 2012 7th Annual Annual Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Conference held at 澳门合法赌场官网 on March 26, 2012. (2012, 1:06)
2012年NFI招聘幻灯片 This slideshow was created in 2012 as an introduction to 网络金融研究所 for high school students. (2012, 1:25)
2011年影响视频 A 2011 video showing the impact the Networks Professional Development Program has on our scholar's lives. (2011, 3:28)
2011年:回顾的一年 A look back at 网络金融研究所 / Networks Professional Development Program scholars year - 2010 - 2011. (2011, 13:06)
2011年道德宣传片 "One size Fits All" is a promotional video made for the 2011 6th Annual Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Conference held at 澳门合法赌场官网 on April 4, 2011. (2011, 1:25)
2010年伦理大会新闻采访 Kelsey Powell and Kelsey Throckmorton being interviewed on WTHI-TV on March 1, 2010. (2010, 2:17)
金钱巴士和SMART计划 Cory Graham with the 网络金融研究所's Money Bus and Kids Count at DeVaney Elementary School in 2009 as part of the Student Mathematical AfteR-school Thinking (SMART) program. (2009, 3:02)
金钱巴士和SMART计划 澳门合法赌场官网's Student Mathematical After-School Thinking program (SMART program) at DeVaney Elementary School combined with the 网络金融研究所 Kids Count on the Money Bus. (2008, 2:04)
在中国学习商业 国际 travel broadens horizons for 网络金融研究所 students. (2008, 3:25)
中国:双行道 澳门合法赌场官网, Liaoning University and 网络金融研究所 presented China:  A Two-Way Street on January 24-25, 2007年在印第安纳波利斯的威斯汀酒店.  该论坛汇集了畅销书作家, 商业领袖, government officials and academics to discuss the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the world’s fourth largest economy. (2007, 5:05)
《登上金钱巴士! Kids Count on the Money Bus is a financial literacy curriculum and mobile classroom for Indiana's 3rd-5th grade students. This clip originally aired on WFYI's Across Indiana series. (2007, 5:21)
2006操守会议 网络金融研究所 scholar's 2006 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Conference. (2006, 2:28)
NFI金融知识计划 When 网络金融研究所 was founded one of its remits was increasing financial literacy and education in the community. 这段视频展示了其中一个规划会议. (2003, 2:01)
NFI接收- 1 劳埃德·W. 本杰明三世, ISU's 10th president (2000 - 2008) at the NFI reception held on August 26, 2003, at the Columbia Club in Indianapolis to introduce NFI's first director, 莉斯Georgakopoulos. (2003, 10:00)
Aurmaudra Bradley和NFI 2003年,Aurmaudra Bradley还是一名大三学生. Here she is talking about what the foundation of NFI will mean to her. Aurmaudra graduated in 2004 in 会计/保险 with a minor in Spanish. (2003, 0:44)
NFI基金会:Lloyd Benjamin, 2003年 One of a series of short clips made by Lloyd 本杰明三世, 当时的澳门合法赌场官网校长, 关于网络金融学院的成立.  (2003, 0:34)
NFI基金会:Lloyd Benjamin, 2003年 One of a series of short clips made by Lloyd 本杰明三世, 当时的澳门合法赌场官网校长, 关于网络金融学院的成立.  (2003, 1:01)
NFI基金会:Lloyd Benjamin, 2003年 劳埃德·本杰明三世拍摄的一系列短片之一, 当时的澳门合法赌场官网校长, made 关于网络金融学院的成立 in 2003. Here he is talking about NFI's first director 莉斯Georgakopoulos. (2003, 0:36)
NFI基金会:Lloyd Benjamin, 2003年 劳埃德·本杰明三世拍摄的一系列短片之一, 当时的澳门合法赌场官网校长, made 关于网络金融学院的成立 in 2003. Here he is talking a little more about NFI's first director Liz Georgakopoulos. (2003, 0:21)
NFI基金会:Mike Alley, 2003年 Mike Alley在2003年谈论NFI的成立. 看到 迈克的概要文件. (2003, 0:59)
Don Gongaware on NFI ISU benefactor and moving force behind the 斯科特商学院' Gongaware中心, 唐纳德Gongaware, comments on the foundation of 网络金融研究所 in 2003. (2003, 0:34)