

Courses in the 犯罪学 & Criminal Justice Department fall into several major clusters: criminological theory, 研究方法, 修正, 执法, 安全, 刑法, 和实习. Within most areas there is a broad choice of courses. 学生 are encouraged to select courses which provide a general appreciation of the field of criminology and an in depth knowledge of areas which are most relevant to their career objectives.

犯罪学的 & Criminal Justice Department at Indiana State University offers three degree programs: (1) Certificate program in one of several specific areas of criminal justice; (2) Bachelor of Science degree program which requires 39 semester credits of criminology out of a total of 120 semester credits; and (3) 文学硕士 and 理学硕士 degree programs which require 27 credits and 30 credits respectively plus 6 semester credits of coursework outside the Department. The Department also offers an 18-hour minor.

Along with the coursework in the major area, the student will take the General Education courses needed for graduation. 学生 are also encouraged to select a minor or second major in another department which compliments the criminology and criminal justice major and relates to the student's particular interests.


远程教育 学生 Residing outside of Indiana:

Each of the states has its own approval processes for out-of-state institutions offering distance education. While Indiana State University endeavors to offer all of its programs to as wide an audience as possible, all ISU distance education programs may not be available in all states.

For students who are not able to pursue the traditional path to an undergraduate or graduate degree, this program will allow for completion of a degree from one's own location.

学生服务 Concierge

School of 犯罪学 and Security Studies


School of 犯罪学 and Security Studies
Terre Haute, IN 47809
谷歌地图: 霍尔姆斯泰特厅(HH)